Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 16th - March 22nd

MAR. 22nd
"La Cabeza (Grande)"

So, the pieces of art that were being unloaded in front of the Bechtler Museum last week turned out to be the sculptures in this week's post.  They were all done by Niki De Saint Phalle (1930-2002).  She's is the same artist who did "The Firebird" that has been in a couple other pictures on this blog.

MAR. 21st
"Grand Step Totem"

MAR. 20th
"Miles Davis"

MAR. 19th
"Golf Player"
(Editor's Note: Even though this sculpture was just named 'Golf Player', is there any doubt in your mind who that is supposed to be?)

MAR. 18th
That's the "Super Moon" in the distance.  This picture was from my phone, so that's about as much zoom as I get.

MAR. 17th
Walking home from St. Pat's.

MAR. 16th

March 9th - March 15th

MAR. 15th
Looks like they're unloading a new exhibit at the Bechtler Museum.  
What ever could it be?
Spoiler Alert: It's the sculptures coming up in next week's post.

MAR. 14th
This masterpiece was hanging in the bathroom of Growler's, instead of where it should be hanging, The Louvre.  
Can you tell by this week's pictures alone that I'm a bit of a PBR fan?

MAR. 13th
I don't know what it was, but something just seemed sinister about that board meeting going being conducted on the 2nd floor.  To put this in context, it was 10:45 pm.

MAR. 12th
St. Patty's Day
This pictures is aimed at Colin Fink and fellow Picture-a-Day-er Kevin White.
Guys, that is the top of my head.  In case you forgot, that's what it looks like NOT to have a bald spot.

MAR. 11th
This asshole was yelling at some girl or guy who apparently locked him out of his apartment.  It was 4:30 in the morning and, needless to say, my courtyard echoes a wee, tiny bit.  I was one of probably 7 different apartments standing on our balconies yelling at this tool to shut the hell up.

MAR. 10th
HA!  The bottle is so drunk he's seeing double!
You're right, sorry, that was a horrible joke.

MAR. 9th
So, under each bottle cap of Pabst Blue Ribbon, there is a playing card.  I have made it my mission to collect an entire 52 "card" deck.  So far, I still have 11 more to find.  There really is not rest for the weary.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 2nd - March 8th

MAR. 8th
It killed me that I couldn't be in Mobile for Mardi Gras 2011, but at least I had some beads to keep me company.

MAR. 7th
Bad News: My first ever Charlotte Bobcats game ended in them losing 92-87 to the perennial failures that are the LA Clippers.
Good News: I got a chance to see, in person, the human-highlight-reel that is Mr. Blake Griffin.

MAR. 6th
A look out my window into the courtyard of my apartment building on a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon.

MAR. 5th
The back of the bar Kennedy's on Saturday Night.

MAR. 4th
Sunset at The Arlington.

MAR. 3rd
It may not look too appetizing, and it may not taste a whole hell of a lot better.  
But it's a King Cake, and it's a Mardi Gras tradition damn it!

MAR. 2nd
Sometimes, you look to the sky and you just get lucky.

February 23rd - March 1st

DISCLAIMER: This week of photos was taken during my trip to the island of Oahu, HI.  Seeing as how damn near every landscape picture I took looked like a freakin' postcard, I decided to post the more "artsy" pictures that I took.  But, if you would like to see all the awesome Hawai'i pics, you can find them here: (will post by 3/10/11).

MAR. 1st
There are no words.

FEB. 28th
A line of boards that have been locked up for the night.

FEB. 27th
Hey Look at That! - A crossover episode with a fellow take-a-picture-a-day New Year's Resolution-er, and it's taken at Diamondhead.  That's what you call a "two-fer".

FEB. 26th
The courtyard next to the World Famous Surf Rider Hotel.

FEB. 25th
Reflections of the tiki torches on the tree at the North Shore Botanical Gardens.

FEB. 24th
Hey, just be happy that you are not being blinded by my Casper-like complexion.

FEB. 23rd
Welcome to Hawai'i - Kevin just shrugged and said it's the view he has grown accustomed to on his daily commute to work.  I felt it was my duty to punch him in the face.

February 16th - February 22nd

FEB. 22nd
So, this was brought on by an experiment that was suggested by my good friend Becca Adams.  It turns out you can perform a "bar magic trick" by betting someone that you can make a shot of water and a shot of whiskey switch places by placing the shot of water on top.  As you can see above, I performed the experiment in my "lab" and the myth is CONFIRMED.  PS - I did this before Kev put up his pic, so I win.

FEB. 21st
For some reason, this row of lights outside the Westin Charlotte just caught my eye.

FEB. 20th
Nothing fancy, just the view from my car in a parking garage.

FEB. 19th
If you look up when your at the Outside Bar at Brazwell's you will see something kind of cool.

FEB. 18th
Hanging out with Hammer and the crew from The Metro School.

FEB. 17th
I cannot explain this one.  A couple of hippies were driving this de-commissioned Army vehicle full of a bunch of scrap metal.  It turns out they were taking it to an art show.

FEB. 16th
I got a little buzz for my trip to Hawai'i.